A (brief) history of research and partnership between the University of Wyoming and Grant Teton National Park
Hank Harlow will start the seminar with a short account of the evolution of science-based management in the National Park Service and the need for external research to address challenges for maintaining the ecological integrity of our Parks. He will chronicle the history of the UW-NPS from the 1945 Jackson Hole Wildlife Park and its role in supporting science in the GYE through financial, logistic and program support. Harold Bergman will follow with a review of UW-NPS Cooperative Agreements, typical events in a year at the Research Station, and a summary of major recent UW investments in the Station’s infrastructure and operations. Station Interim Director Michael Dillon will then join Hank and Harold to continue the discussion and help answer audience questions.
Jackson Hole, WyomingISO
University of Wyoming LibrariesDuration
- Ecology - ECOL
- Environment and Natural Resources - ENR